Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Being a freethinker, atheist, humanist, secularist and/or skeptic in NW Montana can be a lonely experience.
Many of us have been raised in communities where the primary sources of connection with others are work, family and maybe especially - church. Those relationships are vitally important but within them, many of us have felt we have had to "go with the flow" and not be ourselves in order to "get along" and avoid conflict. That was my experience for years - until I finally found a way to face my fears, learn and then to finally tell those around me that I was done pretending - no longer would I look to ancient books and faith for the answers, but instead reason, critical thinking, healthy doubt, and evidence would be my guides in life. This blog is about creating a forum where like (not same)-minded people can begin to talk, learn from each other, support each other and maybe start the process of not feeling so isolated in their beliefs. There are many more of us out there - we just have to start talking. So please, take the step to enter a comment and let's start a new community together.